Project: VB6AudioEditor
Version: 3.0.0
Report Date: 08/06/2023 12:06:00
By: Yaron Goali (WISERBIT DOT COM) for
User Control: cAudioEditor
AmplitudeColor [Let] - Public
Set the color of the graph when the audio graph on the AMPLITUDE_STYLE.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
AmplitudeColor [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: OLE_COLOR)
Get the color of the graph when the audio graph on the AMPLITUDE_STYLE.
BackgroundColor [Let] - Public
Set the background color of the audio graph.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
BackgroundColor [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: OLE_COLOR)
Get the background color of the audio graph.
BorderStyle [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
BorderStyle |
BorderStyle [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: BorderStyle)
Destination [Let] - Public
Set the destination of the file to convert.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Info_Bitrate [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Info_BitsPerSample [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Info_Channels [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Integer)
Info_Duration [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Double)
Info_Samplerate [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
SaveFrom [Let] - Public
Set the second to start convert from.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
Long |
SaveLength [Let] - Public
Set the length to convert in seconds.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
Long |
SelectionColor [Let] - Public
Set the background color of the audio graph.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
SelectionColor [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: OLE_COLOR)
Get the background color of the audio graph.
About - Public
Description: Display About message box with the license details.
DisplayRegistration - Public
Description: Display registration window.
Cancel - Public (Return Datatype: Cancel())
DeInit - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: DeInit the component, must be call before closing the program.
Return: 0 if success, otherwise a number describe the error.
DonePlay - Public (Return Datatype: Boolean)
Description: Check if done play out.
Return: True if done, false if not.
ErrorTextOut - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Description: Get error description by error number.
Return: String contains the error description.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lErrNum |
Long |
GetDetailsDevice - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Get the sound device details by the DeviceIndex to the DeviceDetails type.
Return: 0 if success, or a number describe the error.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
DeviceIndex |
Long |
ByVal |
iInOut |
InOut |
ByRef |
DeviceDetails |
Long |
GetSecondsAsTimeString - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Description: Get time length in seconds and return somthing like 02:22.08
Return: Return the time in string
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
Seconds |
Long |
Init - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Init the component, must be call before using any functionality of the component.
Return: 0 if success, otherwise a number describe the error.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
Optional |
ByVal |
sKey |
String |
IsPausedOut - Public (Return Datatype: Boolean)
Description: Check if pause playing.
Return: True if pause, false if not.
IsPlaying - Public (Return Datatype: Boolean)
Description: Check if the component is playing.
Return: True if playing, false if not.
ISubclass_WindowProc - Friend (Return Datatype: Long)
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
hWnd |
Long |
ByVal |
uMsg |
Long |
ByVal |
wParam |
Long |
ByVal |
lParam |
Long |
NumOfAudioDevices - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Get the number of the sound device in the local system.
Return: the number of sound devices.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
iInOut |
InOut |
OpenFile - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Change : 18/10/2006
Set the OpenFile function to public.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
strFile |
String |
OpenGraph - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sFileName |
String |
PlayPause - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Pause playing.
Return: Zero if success, or an error number describe the error.
PlayStart - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Start play an audio file to the DeviceIndex, DeviceIndex can be any sound card that installed on the local machine.
Return: Zero if success, or an error number describe the error.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
Optional |
DeviceIndex |
Long(-1) |
PlayStop - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Stop play
Return: Zero if success, or an error number describe the error.
PlayUnPause - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: UnPause playing.
Return: Zero if success, or an error number describe the error.
PositionGet - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Get the current position in seconds.
Return: The currrent position in seconds.
PositionSet - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Seek to a position in the file in seconds.
Return: Zero if success, else a number descibe the error.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lPosition |
Long |
SaveSelection - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Start the conversion, the next code line will operate when the conversion is done.
Return: Nothing, if an error apear, the Error event will be fire.
StartPlay - Public (Return Datatype: StartPlay())
StopPlay - Public (Return Datatype: StopPlay())
ZoomIn - Public (Return Datatype: ZoomIn())
ZoomRestore - Public (Return Datatype: ZoomRestore())
Event Declares
Aborted - Public
Raise when the converting proccess has aborted.
Done - Public
Raise when the converting proccess has done.
Err - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
FunctionName |
String |
ErrorNumber |
Long |
ErrorDecription |
String |
Error - Public
Error handling: ErrNum - error number, ErrDescription - error description.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lErrNum |
Long |
ByVal |
sErrDescription |
String |
FileInfo - Public
The progress of the conversion (percent between 0 to 100).
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lSamples |
Long |
ByVal |
lBitsPerSec |
Long |
ByVal |
lChannels |
Long |
ByVal |
lTotalLength |
Long |
ByVal |
lTotalSamples |
Long |
Progress - Public
The progress of the conversion (percent between 0 to 100).
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lPercent |
Long |
SelectedPosition - Public
The progress of the conversion (percent between 0 to 100).
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lSamplesBeginning |
Long |
ByVal |
lSamplesEnd |
Long |
ByVal |
lTimeBeginning |
Long |
ByVal |
lTimeEnd |
Long |