Project: VB6AudioJoiner
Version: 3.0.0
Report Date: 08/06/2023 12:06:01
By: Yaron Goali (WISERBIT DOT COM) for
User Control: cAudioJoin
Destination [Let] - Public
Set the destination of the file to convert.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Info_Bitrate [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Info_BitsPerSample [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Info_Channels [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Integer)
Info_Duration [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Info_Samplerate [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
JoinTo [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
eJoinTo |
JoinTo [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: eJoinTo)
Tag_Album [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_Album [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Tag_Artist [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_Artist [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Tag_Comment [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Tag_Comment [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_Genre [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_Genre [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Tag_SongYear [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_SongYear [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Tag_Title [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_Title [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Tag_TrackNumber [Let] - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
String |
Tag_TrackNumber [Get] - Public (Return Datatype: String)
WriteWAVHeader [Let] - Public
Write the wav headers of ACM and PCM wav files. Default value is true.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
Boolean |
About - Public
Description: Display About message box with the license details.
AudioFilesAdd - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sAudioFile |
String |
ByVal |
lFromSecs |
Long |
ByVal |
lLenSecs |
Long |
AudioFilesRemove - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lItem |
Long |
DisplayRegistration - Public
Description: Display registration window.
SetACM - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sTag |
String |
ByVal |
sFormat |
String |
SetAPE - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lCompressionLevel |
Long |
SetMP3 - Public
Set the new MP3 properties. This was not finished.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
MP3Properties |
MP3_Properties |
SetMP3Vals - Public
Set the new MP3 properties for C++.
Description: Set the MP3 target without using the MP3_Properties type (for C++, etc..).
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
ABRBitrate |
Long |
ByVal |
Bitrate |
Long |
ByVal |
CopyrightBit |
Boolean |
ByVal |
ErrorProtection |
Boolean |
ByVal |
Mode |
MPEGMode |
ByVal |
OriginalBit |
Boolean |
ByVal |
SampleRate |
Long |
ByVal |
Quality |
Long |
ByVal |
StrictISO |
Boolean |
ByVal |
VBRMode |
ByVal |
VBRForceMinBitrate |
Boolean |
ByVal |
VBRMinBitrate |
Long |
ByVal |
VBRMaxBitrate |
Long |
ByVal |
VBRQuality |
Long |
ByVal |
WriteVBRTag |
Boolean |
SetOGG - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
OGGProperties |
OGG_Properties |
SetOGGVals - Public
Description: Set the OGG target without using the OGG_Properties type (for C++, etc..).
Quality_Mode = 1
Bitrate_Mode = 2
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lMode |
Long |
ByVal |
lBitrateNominal |
Long |
ByVal |
lQuality |
Long |
SetWAV - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
WAVProperties |
WAV_Properties |
SetWAVVals - Public
Description: Set the WAV target without using the WAV_Properties type (for C++, etc..).
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lSampleRate |
Long |
ByVal |
nChannels |
Integer |
ByVal |
nBitsPerSample |
Integer |
AudioFilesClear - Public (Return Datatype: AudioFilesClear())
AudioFilesCount - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
AudioFilesItem - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lItem |
Long |
ByRef |
plFromSecs |
Long |
ByRef |
plLenSecs |
Long |
Cancel - Public (Return Datatype: Cancel())
CloseFile - Public (Return Datatype: CloseFile())
Added : 18/10/2006
Calose the stram so the source file can be deleted
at the end of the proccess.
DeInit - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: DeInit the control, must be call before closing the program.
Return: 0 if success, otherwise a number describe the error.
GetFormatsByTag - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Public Function GetFormatsByTagX(ByVal sTagsName As String) As Long
'Description: Get the formats of the sTagsName.
'Return: Formats collection of the ACM tag name.
On Error GoTo ErrGetFormatsByTagX
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim cntr As Long
Dim lNumOfFormatUnderTag As Long
For i = 0 To codecs.count - 1
For x = 0 To UBound(codecs.drivers(i).Tags)
If Left(StrConv(codecs.drivers(i).Tags(x).detail.szFormatTag, vbUnicode), Len(sTagsName)) = sTagsName Then
For y = 0 To codecs.drivers(i).Tags(x).formatcount - 1
lNumOfFormatUnderTag = codecs.drivers(i).Tags(x).formatcount
RaiseEvent TagFormats(StrConv(codecs.drivers(i).Tags(x).formats(y).detail.szFormat, vbUnicode))
Next y
Exit Function
End If
Next x
Next i
GetFormatsByTagX = lNumOfFormatUnderTag
Exit Function
GetFormatsByTagX = -1
RaiseEvent Error(Err.Number, Err.Description)
End Function
Description: Get the formats of the sTagsName.
Return: Formats collection of the ACM tag name.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sTagsName |
String |
GetTagInfo - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Description: Get information about sTagName.
Return: String that describe the information about tag name.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sTagName |
String |
GetTags - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Get all the ACM tags that installed on the local machine.
Return: Collection of ACM tags.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lFormatTag |
Long |
ByVal |
lSamplesPerSec |
Long |
ByVal |
lChannels |
Long |
ByVal |
lBitsPerSample |
Long |
ByVal |
eTagMode |
eTagsMode |
Init - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Init the control, must be call before using any functionality of the control.
Return: 0 if success, otherwise a number describe the error.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
Optional |
ByVal |
sKey |
String |
OpenFile - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
strFile |
String |
SecondsAsTimeString - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Get time length in seconds and return somthing like 02:22:08
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lSeconds |
Long |
SetWMA - Public (Return Datatype: Boolean)
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
WMAProperties |
WMA_Properties |
SetWMAVals - Public (Return Datatype: Boolean)
Description: Set the WMAV target without using the WMAV_Properties type (for C++, etc..).
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lCodec |
Long |
ByVal |
lFormat |
Long |
TagCodecs - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sTagName |
String |
TagFormats - Public
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
sTagFormat |
String |
WMACodecFormats - Public (Return Datatype: Collection)
Description: Get a list of WMA formats of the lCodecIndex.
Return: Collection type of list of WMA format.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lCodecIndex |
Long |
WMACodecFormatXVal - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Description: Get the WMA format name of the lCodecIndex by the lFormatIndex.
Return: A string with the codec name.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lCodecIndex |
Long |
ByVal |
lFormatIndex |
Long |
WMACodecs - Public (Return Datatype: Collection)
Description: Get a list of WMA codecs.
Return: Collection type of WMA codecs.
WMACodecsFormatsX - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Get a counter of the number of the formats by the lCodecIndex value.
Return: A long with a counter of the number of the codecs by the lCodecIndex.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lCodecIndex |
Long |
WMACodecsX - Public (Return Datatype: Long)
Description: Get a counter of the number of the WMA codecs that installed on the local machine.
Return: A long with a counter of the number of the WMA codecs.
WMACodecXVal - Public (Return Datatype: String)
Description: Get the WMA codec name by the lIndex.
Return: A string with the codec name.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lIndex |
Long |
Event Declares
Aborted - Public
Raise when the converting proccess has aborted.
Done - Public
Raise when the join proccess has done.
Error - Public
Error handling: ErrNum - error number, ErrDescription - error description.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lErrNum |
Long |
ByVal |
sErrDescription |
String |
Progress - Public
The progress of the conversion (percent between 0 to 100) and the track number the component is converting.
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal |
lTrack |
Long |
ByVal |
lPercent |
Long |