By: Yaron Goali (WISERBIT DOT COM) for
User Control: cTabControl
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets whether the tabs appear as buttons instead of tabs. If set at run-time, call the Rebuild method to recreate the control with the new style. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the height of the client area of the tab control. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the left position of the client area of the tab control. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the top position of the client area of the tab control. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the width of the client area of the tab control. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | eState | ETabCoolTabStyle |
Attribute | Value |
Description | If the tab control has the Buttons style set, gets/sets whether the buttons are flat. If set at run-time, call the Rebuild method to recreate the control with the new style. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Attribute | Value |
Description | If the tab control has the Buttons and FlatButtons styles set, gets/sets whether a flat toolbar-style separator is displayed between the buttons. If set at run-time, call the Rebuild method to recreate the control with the new style. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets the font used by the tab control. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
sFont | StdFont |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets whether tab control tracks the mouse and highlights tabs pointed to by the cursor or not. If set at run-time, call the Rebuild method to recreate the control with the new style. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the Window handle of the control. Use TabCtrlhWnd if you want the hWnd of the tab itself. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByRef | vImageList | Variant |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Associates an Image List with the control. Use either a COMCTL32.OCX Image List, a vbAccelerator Image List or COMCTL32.DLL hImageList handle as the parameter. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the numeric index of a tab given the key. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets whether tabs appear on more than one line or not. If changed at run-time, call the Rebuild method to recreate the control with the new style. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets whether text in the tabs in the control is right aligned. If set at run-time, call the Rebuild method to recreate the control with the new style. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | bState | Boolean |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the index of the selected tab. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets the alignment of the tabs in the control (left, top, right or bottom). If changed at run-time, call the Rebuild method to make the alignment change take effect. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | eAlign | ETabAlignConstants |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the number of tabs in the control. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets the hWnd of the Tab Control. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets the 0 based index of the image list image to display for a tab. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant | |
ByVal | lImageIndex | Long |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets a long value to associate with a tab. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant | |
ByVal | lItemData | Long |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | lIndex | Long |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets the key to associate with a tab. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Gets/sets the text which appears in a tab. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | sText | String | |
Optional | ByVal | iIconIndex | Long(-1) |
Optional | ByVal | vKeyBefore | Long(-1) |
Optional | ByVal | sKey | String |
Optional | ByVal | lItemData | Long |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Adds or inserts a tab. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Rebuilds the tab control. Use this if you change any of the style properties at run-time to allow the style change to take effect. |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Removes all tabs from the control. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Removes a tab from the control. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | vKey | Variant | |
Optional | ByVal | bNoEvents | Boolean(False) |
Attribute | Value |
Description | Selects a tab in the control. |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | xPixels | Long | |
ByVal | yPixels | Long |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
lpMsg | VBOleGuids.Msg |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | lTab | Long | |
ByRef | bCancel | Boolean |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | lTab | Long | |
ByVal | hdc | Long | |
ByVal | bSelected | Boolean | |
ByVal | bHot | Boolean | |
LeftPixels | Long | ||
TopPixels | Long | ||
RightPixels | Long | ||
BottomPixels | Long | ||
ByRef | bDoDefault | Boolean |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | lTab | Long | |
ByRef | WidthPixels | Long | |
ByRef | HeightPixels | Long | |
ByRef | bDoDefault | Boolean |
Optional | ByVal/ByRef | Variable | Datatype |
ByVal | lTab | Long |