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CSAudioRecorder Namespace

Public interfacecAudioRecorder
Public enumerationACM_FORMAT
The ACM format mode. You can get the ACM codecs and fromat acording to the value of this enum.
Public enumerationBitrate
The bitrate of the destination audio file.
Public enumerationBits
The bit-depth of the destination audio file.
Public enumerationChannels
The number of channels of the destination audio file.
Public enumerationFormat
The format of the destination file, this can be AAC, ACM (WAV), APE, MP2, MP3, OGG, WAV (PCM), and WMA.
Public enumerationMode
The recorder mode of the operation. this can be WasapiCapture, WasapiLoopbackCapture and LineIn.
Public enumerationRecordingState
The recording state of the control. This can be Ready, Recording and Paused.
Public enumerationSamplerate
The samplerate of the destination audio file.
Public enumerationTagTypes
The tag types list.